All I can do is to shake my head at you. Did you study ancient anthropology? No, you quite obviously did not. For those of us who do study that, this is settled science that is well documented in both academic and popular journals. The agricultural revolution was the beginning of social inequality in humans, including, but not limited to, social and sexual control of women that had not previously existed. Period - full stop!
“So what happened to cause such a profound shift in the human psyche away from egalitarianism? The balance of archaeological, anthropological and genomic data suggests the answer lies in the agricultural revolution, which began roughly 10,000 years ago.”
Egalitarianisn has nothing to do with innovation. Now you're just being silly and tiresome. The cutting edge trends in business today all lean away from traditional hierarchies and towards egalitarian working groups because it's much more agile. Honestly, I should be charging you for this much education. 😉