Amongst wolves, the alpha is the daddy wolf. The alpha female is the mommy. Sometimes she is the ultimate leader of their family and sometimes he is. They put the care and wellbeing of their children (pack) ahead of themselves nearly all of the time. Amongst chimps and a lot of other primates, there is also one alpha male and one alpha female (not a class of alphas). They have to work hard to get others to recognize them as worthy of that role, and have to campaign and "kiss babies" and stand up for the underdog and share food. It's totally different than human patriarchal notions of what an alpha animal truly is.
That's an excellent point that most of these guys are actually voluntarily celibate. A lot of them have never even approached a woman or asked anyone out. They are mad that the hottest women have never thrown themselves at them - and consider that a grave injustice. 🙄
I have to say that there's so much about the aggrieved, entitled, loudly complaining cat-hating guys out there that I just don't get. I have a lovely husband (I checked), a nice son, some great male friends, and a life that is generally devoid of the drama, power struggle, and angst that seems to be so prevalent out there. I too have longer hair, like dresses and identify very strongly as a woman. I like to cook, but so does my husband. I think I have good taste in home decor - but so does my husband. There were years where I mowed the lawn and took care of the cars because he was working all the time and I had more free time. The more we deprogram from gender roles and expectations, the happier we are, and we've been together for close to 35 years.
As Salmon Rushdie has said something along the lines of "Everyone should be a feminist, otherwise you're just an asshole." I couldn't agree more. If you want to keep unearned privilege, want to keep people constrained to artificial gender constructs, and aren't comfortable with live and let live, you are indeed the issue.