And if you got past your emotions and looked at the logical evidence, you'd realize that is an absurd notion. Not that men have it easy, but objectively, although women may have some advantages in this culture, most of that is mitigated by the constant vigilence that nearly all women have to maintain just to try to keep themselves safe, to say nothing of the still very real systemic marginalization, discrimination, and harassment that nearly all women experience. I'm not going to quote you the litany of statistics around that, because frankly you should already be aware of that stuff, and if you aren't it is readily available to you become educated around.
That doesn't mean that your life is roses or that men don't experience any difficulties, but honestly, grow the fuck up and open your eyes. "I find it hard to meet women" does not remotely even begin to come close to the things that the average woman has to contend with on a daily basis -and has since she was a child. If you are honestly seeking truth, you can start with that one right there.