And there are a lot of people who would agree with you but they also tend to be the ones who are complaining about the term toxic masculinity being used too broadly and imprecisely so that it sounds like just being male is toxic. So, you can't really have it both ways, I don't think. We either use that term to mean a very particular kind of behavior that is related to masculine or feminine traits taken to extremes or we generalize it to mean anytime someone who is of a particular gender does something crappy. Being a jerk who just happens to be a woman isn't my definition of toxic anything unless what she's doing speaks to a societal dynamic related specifically to her gender. Complaining about the very real oppressions and disadvantages of patriarchy isn't out of line. And purporting things that aren't true in order to try to make your case is hardly a gendered activity.
So, I guess in the end, you either get on board with my precise definition or you opt to stay with the more broad and general one. You get to choose.