And there are people who think we aren't living in a patriarchy?!!! How is this not about ownership, and solidifying his position as the "head" of the family?
Meanwhile, in a whole bunch of other countries it isn't the norm and in a few places, it's even illegal. I didn't take my husband's name and fortunately, he was completely fine with that. Your ex is clearly projecting so that he doesn't have to take any responsibility for himself, but I'm guessing you are well aware of that already.
"Provincial law in Quebec forbids a woman from taking her husband’s surname after marriage. The rule was instated soon after the creation of the Quebec Charter of Rights, which went into effect in 1976, and is intended to extend the charter’s statement on gender equality to names.And Quebec isn’t the only place. In Greece, a similar law requiring all women keep their maiden name was enacted in 1983 during a wave of feminist legislation."