And yet that doesn't account for the fact that "white officers dispatched to Black neighbourhoods fired their guns five times as often as Black officers dispatched for similar calls to the same neighbourhoods."
Or that unarmed Black men were twice as likely to be killed by the police than unarmed White men (Asian women didn't figure into this statistic at all).
It doesn't account for the fact that Whites are more likely to be found with contraband in both traffic stops and "stop and frisk" incidents and yet, they are still stopped much less often.
It doesn't account for the fact that analysis of 20 million traffic stops indicates "Blacks were 63 percent more likely to be stopped even though, as a whole, they drive 16 percent less. Taking into account less time on the road, blacks were about 95 percent more likely to be stopped. Blacks were 115 percent more likely than whites to be searched in a traffic stop (5.05 percent for blacks, 2.35 percent for whites). Contraband was more likely to be found in searches of white drivers.”
There are many sociological factors that contribute to violence and crime, including culture and poverty, none of which you've taken into account here either. You are the one who is "abusing math" since you also haven't actually disproven anything that I've said.