And you say this based on what, exactly? Unlike monogamy, there is no inherent structure and there are nearly infinite ways to go about poly relationships. Polyamory is whatever the participants in that particular relationship decide it is. Many, many polyamorous relationships have no economic ties whatsoever. I have three partners, but only have economic ties with one. It would be way too complicated to try to do anything else. But trying to equate hook-up culture (which I agree is destructive) with polyamory is like comparing fast food with fine dining. They are both food, but have almost nothing else in common.
You have made the assumption (as many who don't actually know anything about poly often do) that it's primarily about sexual variety, and although that certainly is a factor, it's not the only one. Polyamory is about different kinds of intimate connections with multiple people, which don't even have to include sex at all, although most do. It's about being responsible for your own emotions, honest and transparent about your needs and wishes, and communicating well about them. It's about not making assumptions in your relationships but rather co-creating something that you both want together - rather than falling into prefab relationship constructs. If the rest of the world did that (and every poly person lived up to the ethos) we'd have a much, much nicer world. It would be an infinitel more healthy and functional society.
I've written quite a bit about what it's actually like to be polyamorous. You may want to consider educating yourself because your assumptions are wildly off base. Having more love is not the cause of societal dysfunction; dishonesty is — but there’s no need for dishonesty in polyamory.