Any risk comes from the men who persist in bullying and coercing guys into staying within the Man Box. Women have already spent thousands of years challenging their gender Box - which was and continues to be incredibly risky in many respects. Women who go into traditionally male fields like policing or STEM or becoming a surgeon still face incredibly hostility and harassment just for wanting to do a job. Below is a description of what it's like to try to be a woman surgeon in Australia:
To give you a flavor of professional life as a woman in this field, female trainees and junior surgeons “reported feeling obliged to give their supervisors sexual favours to keep their jobs”; endured flagrantly illegal hostility toward the notion of combining career with motherhood; contended with “boys’ clubs”; and experienced entrenched sexism at all levels and “a culture of fear and reprisal, with known bullies in senior positions seen as untouchable.”
Fine, Cordelia. Testosterone Rex: Myths of Sex, Science, and Society (p. 126). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.
Any guides for women about how to be a woman come from right wing reactionary sectors. Most people agree that all people should be who they are - not who they are told by other people to be.
P.S. — It’s kind of pointless to comment on a story you haven’t even read yet.