As already conceded, I'm sure there are things that I've missed, but other than some of our direct correspondence, whenever I run across your comments on other people's stories, it leaves a very distinct negative impression. And, as I've noted before, one's personal experience is not truth or the measure of fact, so I'll include myself in that reminder.
And that being said, 25% of women in the military will be raped and 80% will be sexually harassed. Who is excited about taking that on? At least coal mining pays well -typically in areas where there aren't a lot of high paying jobs so it's more worth the risk. The issue isn't your experience or perception vs. mine, it's your perception vs. objective data and facts and you having knee-jerk belligerent reactions based on things that aren't actually true because you've been taught this an acceptable thing to do. You've been sold a narrative that feels good, and plays into your preexisting biases, but that doesn't treat women kindly or fairly. I have a problem with that.