"As far as I am aware" doesn't preclude things that are out of my awareness. But, guess what, you don't have any examples of that either - so why are you going on and on about something that essentially, as far as either one of us knows, doesn't actual exist?
What the fuck is your actual issue anyhow? Are you just completely intransigent and incapable of any sort of intelligent or flexible thought or are you just argumentative out of habit and reflex, because that's what it's starting to look like to me?
When life begins is irrelevant to the fact that women have body autonomy as a matter of civil rights. That has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with when the tipping point occurs between the rights of a developing fetus and the rights of a pregnant women because those things are around 22 weeks apart - something that Roe already covered and addressed.
All moderates support abortion rights - all of them. I don't need to convince them. Even a lot of so called conservatives support it. It's only crazy right wing nut jobs that don't - a minority of the population. The preponderance of people in a conservative state like Kansas support it. What exactly is your fucking point? I don't have to convince anyone because most people in America already think this is the way things should be. The fact that the minority position currently has primacy in some places is an aberration - one that will hopefully soon be corrected.