As you already know since you read a lot of what I write, I'm a research-based writer and my stories are chocked full of citations so I hardly need a lecture on that (btw, this story has 5 citations). Since you have identified yourself as being on the spectrum, let me advise you that being condescending and pedantic doesn't make you appear intelligent. It just makes you appear condescending and pedantic - which are both unlikeable.
Unless otherwise noted, time periods are for Europe - something that is readily inferred from my saying in the first paragraph "Not even in Western Europe." But, mostly it is noted where I am talking about. If you had a particular question, you were free to ask in a non-combative way. I recommend you work on that as a skill.
At this point in my life and journey of study, a certain amount of this stuff I just know - e.g., the things about Paleolithic family life are just a part of my personal knowledge base. I could go look for a citation to support them, but since it's commonly held knowledge amongst paleontologists, that's kind of overkill for a relatively fluffy piece such as this one.
You have a Google machine. If you feel that any of the extremely non-controversial things I have said are so grossly erroneous that you are compelled to challenge them, you can look them up. In addition, you might do well to remember that when you do engage with me on my stories (which is rather frequently) you typically have quite a difficult time addressing the actual meat of the piece and instead go off on rhetorical attacks as you have again here.
I am under no obligation to write my pieces in the manner which is preferable to you. Spending your time seeking for ways to show up and attack other people, which includes little actual substance, is not a nourishing or enriching way to spend one's life. I recommend you try something else instead.