Baa haa haaa haa - you actually believe that most men support equality and think of men and women as equals when only 50 years ago men had more than 300 more rights than women under law? Sexual harassment in workplaces is rampant - despite it being illegal - because men want to make sure that women still "know their place." Domestic abuse and date rape are rampant - because most men see women as a kind of accessory or side-kick in the world to please and gratify them.
In over 90% of cases, couples agree to give primary custody to the mother without court interference. In the cases where the court intervenes, they typically give rights to men who are abusive and even murderous.
90% of women have experienced some kind of sexual violence, beginning when they were children. The vast majority of perpetrators go free so don't even pretend that that the 2% of times that women are making false accusations is the primary dynamic.
Most men don't remotely want equality. Most men have a massive hard-on for as much patriarchy as they can get -despite the ways that demonstrably harms them too.
33% of women are raped - mostly by men they know and trust. Women still do the vast majority of home, elder, and child care even when then work outside the home - which most women do and 75% of mothers do. 54% of Americans believe that the man is the head of the household and some untold number believes that subconsciously. 85% of American women began being sexually harassed in childhood - like 10 or 11 years old.
The vast majority of American men see women as sex objects on earth to please and gratify them, to bear and raise their children, and to take care of them like a mother they can fuck.
Don't assert stupid stuff that has no basis in reality. It doesn't make you look smart when it's in direct contravention with verifiable reality.