Based on what? What you see on TikTok and the stories that guys tell each other? People who have actually studied this say that you are dead wrong and all the women I know care about things that have nothing to do with money or status. Height is one of the things that more women do tend to care about but that's in large part because they don't want to be "bigger" than their man due to BS patriarchal norms. I'm 6'1 so I know how that goes. But there are plenty of short men who date/get married and pass on their genes — or short men would have died out by now. The fact is, you mostly don’t know who the woman who didn’t pick you actually did pick — you’re just making a bunch of assumptions. And also, most dating websites are 70–90% men, so if that isn’t working for you, join activities, and find other ways to meet women in person where your other great qualities can shine.
As noted above, both men and women tend to want someone who is a lot like them as far as social assets, but the truth is, in general women care about looks and earning potential a lot less than men do. “Good looks are less important to women — men who score between 5–9 on ‘attractiveness’ actually receive more messages than men who score 10/10,” finds an Oxford University analysis of 150,000 dating profiles. “Both sexes have become less concerned with the income or education level of a potential partner.”
"Of course, women like confidence. Everyone likes genuine confidence, but that’s more about knowing and owning who you actually are than being powerful and commanding. You don’t need to be some incel’s dream of an Alpha Male in order to be attractive to women. Lantern jaws, huge arms, and the ability to intimidate anyone in the room with both your handsomeness and your imposing physicality is much more of a male dominance hierarchy fantasy than it is a dream of actual women."