Because we aren't discussing perspectives; we're discussing facts, which do not change simply because you can't seem to wrap your head around them. I'm not bemoaning that society doesn't meet my ideal, I'm calling attention to a severe lack of basic civil rights and entrenched and systemic injustice - some of which I face everyday, and many that I have enough societal privilege to avoid experiencing but still care about. That's a very different thing. If you don't see that as important it's because those issues don't directly affect you and you apparently don't give a shit about the people it does affect. Is that really who you want to be in the world? And where is your supposed empathy in that equation?
"Men, who make up more than 97 percent of the employees in constructionand nearly all of its leadership, have tended to view females entering the trades as intruders, routinely denying them equal opportunities for training and work. 'Every woman has faced discrimination; if she hasn’t yet, she will,' Meg Vasey, a former electrician who now runs Tradeswomen Inc., an Oakland, California, nonprofit, told me. "
"In my interviews with more than 40 tradeswomen, most told me they had been mistreated because of their sex. I heard stories of men grabbing and groping women with impunity, of women being told to go home and work in the kitchen, of being given the most dangerous jobs and the jobs that kept them from learning valuable skills necessary for their careers. The uniformity of some of the stories of abuse was striking: Women who did speak up said they’d had their tools stolen or destroyed, that they been denied dispatches to jobs by their union, or that they’d been blackballed across their trade. Women told stories of being tied to a chair with shrink wrap and of being left high in the air on scissor lifts. And yet, many of these women loved their jobs — not just the pensions, health care and pay, which was enough to raise a family and take vacations and retire — but the physical labor and skill involved."
Sure, a lot of women won't go into those careers to start with due to lack of interest, but also due to gender binaries which tell them that is unladylike, and they are unfit for it (which is form of systemic sexism). Those that do try to go into those fields face a huge amount of over harassment and discrimination, just as women (and Blacks) in STEM also do. Task have "gender appeal" due to thousands of years of social indoctrination, aka sexism. In ancient Egypt, the men used to stay home and do all the weaving while it was women who went to the marketplace and transacted most of the business. For the Na of China the women do all the farming and men do a lot of taking care of children. Artificial rules about what is appropriate for each gender have a huge influence on any cultures that buy into them.
And you holding a polyanna attitude that those aren't actual issues doesn't erase that they are. If you haven't walked in someone else's shoes, don't be so condescending and rude as to tell them that their problems aren't real or that they should be happy for the good things they have - just so you don't have to deal with the discomfort of their pain.