Besides the fact that a meta-analysis is a review of the findings of dozens of studies and thousands of data points, where is this supposed "rebuttal"? I can't assess it's validity if I can't even read it for myself.
And, this particular topic aside, there is no reputable science that shows that men and women have inherently different brains - so why would it be different around visual stimulation?
"But when we follow the trail of contemporary science we discover a surprising number of gaps, assumptions, inconsistencies, poor methodologies, and leaps of faith — as well as more than one echo of the insalubrious past. As Brown University professor of biology and gender studies Anne Fausto-Sterling has pointed out, “despite the many recent insights of brain research, this organ remains a vast unknown, a perfect medium on which to project, even unwittingly, assumptions about gender.” The sheer complexity of the brain lends itself beautifully to overinterpretation and precipitous conclusions."
Fine, Cordelia. Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference . W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.