But that's only because that is what society demands, as well as the fact that when women get bored with the same old rote sex (which they do much more quickly then men), it dampens libido. There's not really any inherent difference in sex drives, and when shown images of different kinds of sex, women responded to anything and everything, including bonobos having sex, while men responded primarily to their sexual orientation. Women are sexual omnivores (at least in what they turns them on to look at) but they've been conditioned that this is dirty, inappropriate, slutty, etc.
A lot of recent research indicates that women are less naturally inclined to monogamy than men are, and that is borne out by the fact that 2/3 of relationships that open up are initiated by the woman. Culture has obscured the truth for a long time. Still, I think this is an interesting question to ask and I enjoyed your essay.