But you aren't just directing your anger at the actual people who are saying those things, you are directing it all women, essentially "paying them back" for some of the things that have happened to you. And, although that might feel good to lash back, it's ultimately not only immature behavior, it's counter-productive to what you have said you want. No woman is ever going to want anything to do with you if you persist in expressing yourself the way you have been.
You are doing a lot better recently, but when I first met you, you WERE speaking like a misogynist and an incel, so it's hardly surprising that other people/women would call you out for that. Talking about your struggles, and exploring in writing how you are feeling is a very different thing then just lashing out at the world. But the way to get other people to care about you is not by telling them that they actually have it a whole lot easier than you do and that you know more about their lives and their struggles than they do (the response to the story about 40 things women have to deal with is a prime example of what Not to do).
Where did I get the impression you weren't hungry? Because up until very recently you have deflected any possible hint of how to improve your life by pointing out all the ways that it won't work. That's not what a hungry person does. It's what a defeatist does. I constantly run across you in the comments of stories that you have apparently read for the express purposes of saying something that completely negates the author's premise. "Women really prioritize kindness as a trait they value in men" No, that can't be true because then I'd have to stop blaming everyone else and actually take myself on.
I only work with clients who are hungry, so I have darn good radar about who is ready to show up for themselves and who is just casting about looking for an excuse not to do the hard work. Someone who is hungry is not wasting their time hate-reading and telling people who have spent their lives dealing with shit that you have never faced that you know all about them, and it's not nearly as bad as your life.
Here's a real racing aphorism for you - the car goes where your eyes go. Spend time focusing on what you want rather than on what you don't.