But you just said that men were allowed to do things that kept women out and purposely harassing and marginalized them in order to maintain some sort of "male" space. That's not organic - just what people gravitate to or choose - it's purposely gatekeeping and indeed deciding for others what professions they are allowed to have.
Why do only men who hate themselves work for women? Again, you're betraying deep-seated misogyny and disrespect for women and pretending that's somehow "normal." There are many, many successful women-run and women-led businesses. In fact, the more women a company has, the better it tends to do as far as being better run and better bottom line.
"A survey of 21,980 publicly traded companies in 91 countries demonstrated that the presence of more female leaders in top positions of corporate management correlates with increased profitability of these companies, according to a paper published by the Peterson Institute for International Economics. "
And despite that fact, it's still harder for women to get business loans and venture capital and other support because of entrenched sexist beliefs.
"Women’s businesses are among the leading ventures that lack financial support. It is also common for women to be denied loans because of gender and cultural biases—many institutions tend to fund male-owned businesses.
What do you need to know about gender inequality? Laws, cultures, religion, and politics are built upon a patriarchal foundation. Women must work their way up in the masculine world while facing stigma and discrimination. Although laws and policies have attempted to create a favorable business environment for everyone, the actual changes have not yet been implemented."
Acting like there aren't more female-owned and led companies because of a lack of interest or capability is just more cluelessness about the actual realities. But even so, Canva, Bumble, OrangeTheory Fitness, Spanx, Glossier, and Third Love are just a few of the many large companies founded by women.
I'm sorry, but only a white man would be so silly as to assert that other people haven't gotten further along based on lack of merit and not hundreds of years of systemic and deeply entrenched intentional marginalization and discrimination that's still very much going on - despite changes in the laws that codified this only a few short decades ago.
I really don't have any more time to keep pointing out to you how off-base and ill-informed and illogical your responses are. I've wasted enough time on this.