Daniel Goldman, who exactly is going to raise and care for all of these unwanted fetuses raised in artificial wombs? Who is going to pay for that? Twenty-five percent (at least) of women have an abortion sometime in their lives. The people who holler loudest about the sanctity of life are the ones who are already forcing women who can’t afford to raise another child to make this choice because they have so few economic supports. A bunch of these guys have actually asked their mistresses to have abortions — so for them this idea of pro-life is entirely theoretical (and about keeping women in a traditional role). When it comes time to fork over millions of dollars not only for the technology but to pay caregivers to raise these children, they will be more than happy to find a way to never do that.
A fetus gains body autonomy rights when it can exist outside the womb, which is why in Roe that is the cut-off point. Until that point, the body autonomy rights of the mother take precedence (or should if legal precedent counts for anything).