David Buss is a moron. He thinks that Western dynamics from the past 6k years are somehow indicative of ancient human life. Last I heard, some friends of mine in the field of psychology were finally getting him to come around and realize that a lot of stuff he says isn't remotely universal or timeless. Now if he'd just start issuing retractions.
Edit: Read this article for a thorough and detailed take-down of one of his books. The article is called When Academicians Mislead Readers.
“The purported purpose of When Men Behave Badly is to reveal the evolutionary sources of sexual conflict between women and men. The book is evidently directed at the average reader, not at those already well familiar with evolutionary psychology. In any case it claims to present important new insights, as in its opening audacious sentence: “This book uncovers the hidden roots of sexual conflict”. I will argue that most of what it “uncovers” is either [1] not new, or [2] just borrowed from certain ideologues, or [3] merely dogma endemic in our culture — and a great deal of it is false.”