Doesn't matter - if you can't control yourself well enough to not body slam your own coach, chances are that self control in general, is not your strong suit. I haven't accused Kelce of anything other than that. I've simply said that it's concerning and that regardless of whether or not that sort of behavior ever leaves the field, it's unacceptable. If he'd done that to another player or to the other coach, he would've gotten a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct. Nobody should be normalizing or minimizing unchecked aggression and lack of self control, no matter the circumstances. And what was Kelce's beef? That his coach put somebody else in, who bobbled a play, and Kelce assumed if he'd been there, he wouldn't have - which is a whole lot of ifs considering how many drops he has made this past season alone. It's completely childish acting out that no grown person should be engaging in or should be defending.