Don't try to foist this off on women. The Man Box is a thing that has been identified and codified by men over the past 40 years. If you honestly believe that there isn't a small and restrictive box of what is currently allowed for guys to be "real men" then you aren't paying attention. The American Psychological Association recently issued new guidelines for how to help men and boys deal with this shit because it's so harmful.
This is a huge part of the problem - that men are so fragile and so defensive that they react to any woman pointing out the things that men themselves identify as being problematic because insecurity is such a major part of the patriarchal operating system. 🙄
I don't really fucking care if you "want to see yourself as worthy" when the aspects of masculinity that most men cling to harms men, women, and society as a whole. If you want to be honorable and worthy of admiration, then stop whining and start doing what I have recommended - getting with other men to recreate masculinity in a less problematic form.