Dr. Jekyll doesn't like being held responsible for Mr. Hyde's antics. I get that, but you are completely fooling yourself about being reasonable, dispationate, and even-minded around any of this. It's a lie that Mr. Hyde tells to keep you from doing the work that will get him snuffed out.
I'm aware of Daryl Davis and his work, which I think is admirable, but it's also ludicrous to say that this is the solution to race issues in America. KKK kinds of racism are not the primary problem. Unconscious bias is, and because it's not being consciously done - and it's deeply entrenched in all sorts of systems, it has to be talked about in order to even be recognized.
I'm going to say this one last time and then I'm going to stop hitting my head against a brick wall. You, a White man, does not get to tell someone else who has had a life time of experiences that you have not, how to process their pain, or ask for justice or the end of oppression. You do not get to tell them which parts of their pain are real, or valid, and which parts are overblown. That is bigotry in and of itself right there. Sit down and shut up because that kind of entitled behavior is a big part of the problem.
This is making my head (and my heart) hurt, so I'm done here. The good man that you are and that you want to be is frequently sabotaged by destructive forces both from without and within. Unless you face that stuff and integrate it, it will continue to run you from behind the scenes like a puppet, acting out of pain, rather than good will. And I will be as far away as I can get.