Even better would be co-creating a social system where Might Makes Right is not the modus operandi and bullying is not tolerated.
One of the key elements of a dominator society is that might makes right. Whoever has the most power, the most physical or economic strength is the one who decides what happens. In a dominance hierarchy-style work environment, you do what the boss says, or you pay the price. He (or she) may well feel like it’s absolutely appropriate to yell or issue threats.
Hierarchies of actualization (partnership-style) work environments have an organizational structure where the leaders not only expect support and respect from those whom they have authority over, but they also give it back reciprocally. Organizational goals are achieved through collaboration and relatedness, rather than paternalism or threats.
In interpersonal relationships, child-beating, and domestic abuse are just par for the course. Nobody is likely to say they think they are good, but they are a deeply entrenched aspect of a culture where certain people are seen to have the right to control others, by force, if necessary. The right to abuse those with less power is intrinsic to a domination-oriented culture, and we see that reflected in how often bullying is tolerated in schools.
When we devalue caring or empathy, because qualities that are considered masculine are more valuable, and a large part of what we teach boys is how “not to be a girl” then we can reasonably assume we are talking about a dominance-oriented society. When we make greater room for individuality and for difference, we’re leaning toward partnership.