Exactly! That man is the very definition of a pseudo-intellectual. He "decides" things based on how they feel to him, with no real interest in what the full body of evidence suggests - the only parts he cares about are the slivers that seem to support his retrograde patriarchal views.
I've spent a fair amount of time in clothing optional spaces and I can tell you, going naked or topless is not considered to be some sort of invitation there. Aside from the fact that, as you pointed out, many women are given shit for not wearing makeup or high heels to work, doing so is not some sort of invitation - even if it does make her more sexually appealing. Finding someone sexually attractive is not an invitation to abuse them - helloooo!
Harassment is about power, and trying to put women back in "their lane" by making it clear to them they are nothing more than a sexual commodity (who isn't fit for equal respect as a worker). Peterson really is a dope!
Good piece!