Except that people mostly aren't individuals. Only about 2% of thought is conscious. We're mostly all being driven by things in our subconscious that come from culture, gender indoctrination, media, peers, parents, etc. Abuse, objectification, and control of women is a mainstream piece of that which most men have participated in to at least some extent. It's something that is deeply ingrained in the institutions and was in the laws of our culture (until just a few decades ago) And even if you haven't, if you aren't actively challenging that shit, you are complicit in it.
I assume from your name that you are white. Do you honestly believe that you have zero responsibility or culpability in a culture that systemically disadvantages and marginalizes Black people?
What part of EVERY SINGLE WOMAN with very few exceptions HAS BEEN HARMED BY MEN AND MASCULINE CULTURE OVER AND OVER AGAIN SINCE THEY WERE LITTLE GIRLS do you not understand? These are not "bad apples" - they are your friends and neighbors acting out mainstream masculine values that hurt people. And you are just shrugging your shoulders and watching them do it.
The fact that you feel "bored" by my systemic oppression and that of half of your fellow human beings is yet another reason why there is so called "anti-male" sentiment. It's just a shitty way to treat people - one that shows a shocking lack of empathy and fundamental humanity - but that is yet another mainstream aspect of American masculinity.
You are either a part of the problem or a participant in the solution. You've made it quite clear which you are, so I'm gonna go do something less frustrating with my time.