Except that women's issues really are in actual fact men's issues in disguise. They all come out of mainstream masculine norms such as domination and control of women. These drive things like discrimination but also violence against women, and also violence against other men. Women absolutely must continue to demand that men take that shit on and shift masculinity into a place that is healthier for everyone, including for men.
The American Psychological Association recently issued new guidelines for working with men and boys - something that took 13 years to craft and relied on 40 years of research. Here's what the gist of the new guidelines said:
"The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity — marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression — is, on the whole, harmful. Men socialized in this way are less likely to engage in healthy behaviors." (apa.org)
What they didn't go into in-depth is the ways that these norms drive all sorts of social ills, including most of the ones that women experience. Pretending that stuff is perpetrated by monsters rather than by average guys acting out of mainstream masculine scripts is a deflection to keep men from truly taking this stuff on. If you care about actual equality, we need you to no longer pretend like that stuff isn't your fault or your problem. You are either a part of the solution, or you are indeed a part of what keeps the problem alive.