First of all, defunding the police doesn't mean elminating the police. If you are serious about sticking to the facts, you need to do that too. If means putting more of the money that might have gone into a larger department into things like mental health teams and social workers who are better equipped to handle many of the situations that we currently ask the police to but for which they are not adequately trained.
And I've already said that to you - twice I believe, including links to stories about where defunding has and is working well. Why are you still clinging to the spectre of something that isn't an actual problem as some sort of proof of "woke insanity?" That's the emotional response I've been talking about.
I agree that we should stick to the facts since they are bad enough without embelishment, but can you give me a conrete example of where a high profile mainstream person is misrepresenting how bad racism is? Because Jhaveri aside (not really relevant to this conversation because it's the flipside) I don't see/hear anyone saying that it's worse than it actually is -they are simply pointing to just how bad it is. If someone told you that you were about to make 2.5 times as much money as you do now, you'd be thrilled, because that's a significant raise. Being 2.5 times (250%) more likely to be killed is also a significant number. It's worth talking about and being mad/scared about. It's worth marching about.
It's also not in dispute that most police jurisdictions engage to a greater or lesser extent in racial profiling, and aggressive enforcement of low-level offenses.
“The first is that ‘driving while black’ is very much a thing; it’s everywhere and it’s not just a North Carolina or a Southern problem but across the United States,” Shoub says. “The second thing is that it appears to be more systemic than a few ‘bad apple’ officers engaged in racial profiling.”
Significant findings from Shoub’s and her colleagues’ analysis of the North Carolina dataset include:Blacks were 63 percent more likely to be stopped even though, as a whole, they drive 16 percent less. Taking into account less time on the road, blacks were about 95 percent more likely to be stopped.Blacks were 115 percent more likely than whites to be searched in a traffic stop (emphasis mine)(5.05 percent for blacks, 2.35 percent for whites).Contraband was more likely to be found in searches of white drivers."
If that kind of thing was happening to you, you damned well would be squawking about it. In the absence of concrete examples of how racism is actually being overblown, continuing to allege that it is is inappropriate.