Flirting is a dialogue, not a monologue. As you noted earlier, it's important to read body language and other cues of receptivity before you try to approach someone. Women are only angry when that is disregarded and because so many men seem to feel that women exist for their entertainment and pleasure. It's actually been researched and too many men seem to feel that if they are attracted, that must mean the woman is too and that causes a lot of problems. Ask Assiz Ansari. But, when men are taught to actually pay attention to body language and other cues, they are perfectly well able to judge receptivity -which increases their success.
Again, you are telling stories about things that aren't actual problems without recognizing what is actually going on. For the most part, there are very few women annoyed that someone who isn't hot enough is trying to talk to them. Newsflash - women care about looks a whole lot less than men do. What they mostly care about is someone who is self-possessed and comfortable with himself (with good grooming and hygiene) who treats her like an actual human being rather than a sex-dispensing machine. They are annoyed that the guy isn't taking the hint (headphones in, avoiding eyecontact, reading a book, etc.) that they do not wish to be approached by ANY MAN. They just want to be left alone and not have some stranger trying to demand their time and attention simply because they have left the house.
It's almost never a good idea to try to talk to a strange woman in public. Besides the uninvited demands on her time and attention, women have a lot of safety issues to contend with in that situation. It's nearly always better to get to know someone a bit before attempting to ask them out, in part because it conveys that you are interested in her as a whole person, and not just an attractive package. It gives you time to gauge her receptivity or mutual interest and it lessens some of her legitimate safety concerns.
It is never justified to call a woman names, throw beer on her, or kill her for not wanting to accept a man's attentions or give her phone number. And all those things happen a lot more than you would think. Dating is hard, patriarchy makes it harder by assigning roles and what is acceptable within them as you noted. That's what you ought to actually be mad at, not women.