For you - and for everyone else in the culture. Patriarchy and Man Box social norms are literally killing men. If you're too stupid to want to help yourself and your fellow men live in a culture that offers longer life, better health, and greater happiness for men, that's on you.
Nobody hates you. The world doesn't not revolve around you, in case you hadn't noticed, and men are not one and the same as their social programming — something that only reflects gender expectations in this culture at this particular time in history. It has nothing whatsoever to do with inherent maleness.
"The long and short of this is, that there is no binary difference between all men and all women. Learned behaviors and outlooks in this particular society at this particular period in time are highly reflective of gender indoctrination and other factors within a patriarchal culture and have little to do with inherent masculinity or maleness."
But men as a demographic are primarily responsible for a culture of violence and sexual predation in this society because they are encouraged by mainstream “traditional” masculine norms. And, unless you are actively challenging that, you are benefiting from it whether you want to or not. There are very few women who actually hate men; what many women do hate is a cultural model of male gender indoctrination that teaches boys and men to abuse them, prey on them, and think of them as less than they are.
And, I’m going to have that be where I leave off, because you’ve demonstrated already that it is unlikely you can be reasoned with.