Ha, you clearly don't read me nearly enough, since that is far, far from the typical response that I get. In fact, rather the opposite. I'm challenged pretty much daily for being a woman putting herself forth as an authority on anything. It's tiresome, but since I do actually know what I'm talking about, it's mostly just a distraction. And, for the most part they eventually come around because I've got the goods - the science, the data, the logical analysis and not just some half-baked theory I pulled out of my beak that made me feel good. And interestingly, about 60% of my 10.7k followers are men, so it's not some fembot army drinking the Kool-aid. It's a wide variety of Medium readers interested in somebody who can help them make sense of society in a way that is both accessible and well-supported.
I don't think there's a place for telling fairy tales and then purporting that they describe reality (rather than just being an entertaining story) but whatever... you do you, boo boo.