Hijacking someone's story with your "what aboutism" doesn't actually refute what they've said. It doesn't negate the fact that about 85% of women have experienced street harassment, often beginning as young children, and that 1 in 6 women have been raped or had it attempted. I did later write another story about how men have a higher rate of being assaulted than has generally been reported, but that too does not negate the fact that the rate for things like street and work harassment are astronomically higher for women.
My "feminist inspired bias" comes out of my personal experiences as well as those of literally every woman I have ever known - of any age group, political orientation, or geographic location. Have you had anything of the things you write about done to you? Because I've been groped by strangers in public, followed, cat called, pressured into doing things I didn't want to do, and sexually assaulted, to name just a few - starting at age 7. You are not "pro-female" if you want to only give lip service to that those things are important or to say that it's inappropriate to talk about what a huge problem those things are.
Read this excellent piece, full of research, about the profile of a false accuser, and how it is only on rare occasion that a false accusation ever impacts a man's life. Meanwhile, only about 10 rapists out of 1000 ever serve any jail time.
Rates of false accusation are sometimes inflated or misrepresented due to conflation with terms such as unfounded. These designations, which allow law enforcement to close cases without arriving at a conclusion, are used to describe reports without enough evidence, as opposed to cases where the accuser is not credible or says that the account is untrue.
If you want to bring greater attention to things like paternity fraud or how men also suffer from domestic violence, please feel free to write your own stories about that, but don't try to use them to indicate that women aren't really hurting because bad stuff happens to men as well. It doesn't change anyone's mind or make them feel sympathy for men - it just pisses women off and makes them want to tune you out.