How exactly is it "complex" to live with such unnuanced hate, to blame everything on women in such a pathological way (even though you really want to be loved by one)? Sure, we can have empathy for someone being so fucked up as to hold those beliefs, but my main take-away from this is not "oh, da poor mens" but what a sick and misogynistic culture we have that is only being further perpetuated online. If he were an Arab talking about his deep seated (and irrational) hatred of the West, you wouldn't be trying to elicit sympathy for him, you'd be calling him out as a potential threat - which is what this guy is as well. Incel communities spend the vast majority of their time talking about how women are subhuman and deserve to be raped and die. Pardon me if I don't feel more than passing empathy for anyone who spends their time thinking and talking in that way...