I appreciate hearing from you and your theory makes a lot of sense. Prior to 10K years ago, most humans lived a fairly egalitarian existence, but with women having a slightly one-up place as the bringers of life. You have a matrilineal, matrifocal, goddess-worshipping world essentially until that begins to shift in the northern peoples to be patriarchal, war-like and god-worshipping. Guessing that this is about social power and control seems like a good educated guess because it was only with patriarchy that we started to have social stratification and chieftans. The pyramid-shaped dominance hierarchy arises, where a few elites have more power and wealth.
I agree that there is a fear of women, and women’s innate power that is threatening to many men right here and now, just as it has been in the past. You can read about it in the Bible even, how at first Asherah (Ashoreth/Astarte/Ishtar) was tolerated and even co-worshipped and then eventually wiped out, including making one of her sacred symbols, the serpent, into an embodiment of evil and temptation.
For more on this, check out When God Was A Woman by Merlin Stone or The Chalice and The Blade by Riane Eisler.