I appreciate hearing from you as always, although I don't agree that polyandry supports love only rarely. There's a term often used in consensual non-monogamy circles - compersion. It means being happy that someone you love is experiencing joy or pleasure that has nothing to do with you. You are just happy that they are happy. I find this to be a really beautiful and healthy way to be in relationship to someone else because instead of foisting your insecurities on them and making them responsible for never triggering those, your love is expansive enough and self-responsible enough to be able to just want you love to be happy, how ever that takes place (within your previously agreed upon parameters). It sounds like you are potentially talking about that for down the road, and you're right, it's incredibly intimate to be in that place of trust and vulnerability, and it's really beautiful. Jealousy is somewhat natural and also reinforced in most iterations of monogamy, but when you can do your own work around that and communicate well with your partner about what's going on for you, it doesn't have to be toxic.
Wishing you all the best.