I can certainly understand why you are instinctually more vigilant than a lot of men. However, many of them have never really felt unsafe before. Those who can't seem to grasp it as a constant in women's lives are unfortunately all too many. On Twitter on the #TooManyWomen tag, when women were telling their stories, some guys were still saying things like, "But this isn't common" completely obvlivious as to just how common it is. Of course, every woman isn't in danger every moment of every day, but that isn't the point. Every woman has had multiple bad experiences and has to always be on guard to try to prevent the next one.
All those guys see is men being attacked rather than women trying to speak their truth and get some recognition for what their lives are like. For a while there #NotAllMen was trending higher than #TooManyWomen. That's how much denial and lack of understanding there still is.