I can't read the WP article without a subscription - but again, "best practices" is not remotely the same as "can be just fine" without that. In an ideal world, all kids have a close and loving relationship with both parents, whether they continue to be married or stay together or not. The reality is, a whole lot of men abandon their kids. And as sad as that is, a lot of those kids and boys in particular, can do OK. It's not that it's not scarring or hurtful, but they are not doomed, as has so often been the narrative. And that is really my point right there.
“In industrialized nations like the United States, close to half of all children whose parents divorce lose contact with their fathers shortly afterward. Within ten years, the proportion rises to two-thirds. For many reasons, not all of which have to do with male priorities, only 52 percent of divorced mothers receive full child support; for children born out of wedlock, the proportion receiving support falls to 32 percent.”
Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer. Mothers and Others (p. 150).