I didn't post those links. That was Matthew. Pay attention! The fact that you are talking about "low status males" IS incel talk! You should be embarrassed to use terms like that. I'm not going to apologize to you when you are the one being offensive, and when you can't even keep track of what I've said or what you've said.
I've already stipulated to the fact that many women are brainwashed by patriarchy -but I see no evidence that hypergamy is an issue on the level that you seem to have been describing it - as if it were the 1950s. This is what you said: "I just think that a society where half the male population is devoid of love, sex and relationships because they didn't make the cut of income requirements won't be a very happy or stable one." That's bullshit - it's incel talk. There is no evidence whatsoever that half the male population is being shunned by women because they don't earn enough. Just look out the window and you'll see the evidence of how wrong you are — to say nothing of all the other data that I've presented.
You have linked one article which I've already debunked. The research on earning is from the 1980s FFS -trying to replicate a study from 1939! The other parts are about how most women prefer men who are taller and the Pew study that I actually cited to you which says women want someone with a steady job (not that he is a "high earner") I'm not going to just accept your word on statistics you have spoken of but not supported with a link just because you're a man and "you just know" even though I've presented a lot of other data that pokes giant holes in your premise. You've made assertions about statistics that you can't support (as so many men I debate often do) - and I'm the jerk here?! You are the example of toxic masculinity. You haven't actually made your case, and I've presented a lot that refutes your basic premise - yet I'm supposed to just roll over and accept that you know best on this. I have not made any personal attacks. If you talk like an Incel, it's not inappropriate for me to point out that is what you are doing. You're just mad I won't accept your word about what you just know - which is not actual debate.
If you had started with your last paragraph we might have had a more productive conversation. Instead, you launched in with a blanket statement that makes broad assertions about all women that just isn't supported by facts. Here's what you said: "As man I see one big problem about equality in women's persistent hypergamy, i.e. an extreme preference for men of higher wealth and power."
If you want to have meaningful discussions you might try not painting with such a broad brush. You should stick to specific examples and statistics that you can link to rather than vague "I just know" assertions. You are more likely to be taken seriously and to not come off looking like just another whiny man instead of the ally in equality that you wish to be. Nuance is your friend. So is relevant data from a large, reputable study recently published in a peer reviewed journal that speaks directly to what you are asserting.
One of the studies in the Quillette piece is on the rate of divorce when the woman earns more. "One study found that marriages where the wife out-earned the husband were 50 percent more likely to end in divorce." But that isn't evidence of hypergamy. She married him in the first place and the fact that he's threatened by her outearning him is the primary stressor in these cases. It's not making your point for you, so essentially saying "there were lots of studies in that article that made my point" isn't actually true.
Pay attention to the details or you won't fare well in these kinds of discussions.