I don't disagree with many of the things that you've said, but her agenda was pretty clear - it was to counter the stories that the Firm was leaking about her to the British press, something that they are well known to do. It was fighting fire with fire, which no matter her level of wealth and privilege she has every right to do. If your in-laws (who are also revered government officials) started leaking to the press that you were bullying your staff and otherwise causing problems that were untrue and actually due to their racism, intolerance, and lack of empathy for your wellbeing I'd imagine that you wouldn't just take that lying down and would instead just go enjoy your fancy life without a care in the world.
For all you know, her international trips were handled by the palace and she never actually did have hands on her passport. Maybe she just misremembered the dates? Nothing wrong with having human compassion for more than just the poor and downtrodden. Rich people have problems too.