I don't really fucking care if he (or you) thinks that I (or any woman) ought to be "reasonable" about whether or not other people get to make fundamental decisions for me about what happens to my body and my life. I don't care if it "pushes people away" because wrong is wrong and dehumanizing is dehumanizing and I'm not going to soft peddle how wrong or dehumanizing it is for your comfort. Based on the voter turn-out in highly conservative Kansas for preserving the right for women to make their own decisions, a lot of people agree with me.
And if you both were honest with yourselves, you wouldn't be complacent about it either if somebody was going to force you into a life choice of that magnitude. But since that's never going to happen to you, it’s all rhetorical to you. Well guess what, this is our actual lives here. It's not a game!
Abortions should be 100% the call of the woman because she is a person - a human being, who as a matter of civil rights and human dignity ought to be the able to decide what happens to her own body. If you don't agree, then how exactly do you justify that? As I said to you already in another comment, nearly all abortions take place in the first 12 weeks, with the vast majority of those in the first 8 weeks. Viability starts around 21 or 22 weeks. Acting like anyone who doesn't have a medical emergency reason is asking for or receiving late stage abortions is a lie intended to deflect from the real issues at hand about all the ways that women's personhood is being assailed. It's an evasive tactic. Give it a rest...
You are the one being bombastic and illogical. How on earth are you equating any of this with illegal immigration?? No, it's not remotely like that at all in any way, shape, or form! A person who commits a crime is not in the least bit like a person who becomes pregnant who is then not allowed to decide what happens to her own body. You are grasping at straws in a really stupid and pointless way.
There is no "other" position between the government treating women and girls as full citizens with commensurate body autonomy rights and treating them like second class citizens. Like I said, if you don't want to have an abortion don't have one, but there is no legitimate excuse for making laws that take that choice away - and even a lot of historically Catholic countries now understand that. There is no middle ground. Women are people in their own right or they aren't. Which side of that fence are you on? I already know Dancova's views based on other conversations with him.
The fact that you are blasé and dismissive about all the horrendous ways that these laws are already negatively affecting the lives of real women and girls means that that I am not interested in having any further interaction with you. 👋