I haven't put any words in your mouth. I'm quoting you now: "From the point of view of a women, it seems like all men are harrasers, gropers, cat callers." and then, "People like to hyper-focus on the small minority of morons and generalize across all men. Which isn’t a particularly balanced or level-headed way of looking at the issue." You are blaming women right here - and calling them not too bright at the same time, because they don't even know how to properly evaluate their own pervasive life experiences (but you do). 🤦♀️
That was in response to me pointing out to you that little girls start getting harassed on a regular basis before they are even fully into puberty and that this is a pretty much daily experience for most women for the vast majority of their lives. Where's the compassion in that response? Completely and totally missing!
You don't give a real fuck what women go through or you wouldn't have turned the conversation away from that without any acknowledgment that this must indeed be difficult and instead went back to how women were so unreasonable for being wary around most men and instead should give them more of a chance (despite all the ways that they've been traumatized on an ongoing basis since they were children). No compassion, no understanding of the nuances of the situation, no balance, and nothing but blame for women. That's what you said - no projection necessary.
Conversely, my response began, "Although I do very much care how this society fucks things up for men too..."
On one thing we can agree, if you don't even understand/remember what you've actually said, that means it's coming from your unconscious biases and emotional sore spots and therefore no proper conversation will be possible because no rational thought is taking place on your end.