I loved this although I don’t think Biden really took responsibility for himself as fully as I would have liked. He seemed to be indicating that boundaries had changed and I don’t think that is actually the case. What has changed is our willingness to smile through our boundaries being violated. But anyway, I look forward to a time where something along the lines of the Jepsen scale is acknowledged — if not literally, at least in the understanding that different people are in different places about touch and that nothing should be assumed around touching someone else.
I was in a heated disagreement with a work colleague the other day and kind of bumped her on the arm to emphasize a “you’ve got to be kidding me” moment. She took it as aggression. We talked it out, I apologized even though that wasn’t my intention at all, and we moved forward. If such a situation ever comes up again, I’ll be a lot more mindful of my touch.