I miss you too, but I don't miss how much of the way that you see the world really hurts my heart.
Just an FYI, intersectionality means that you can have both privilege as well as oppression (or multiple levels of oppression). It's something that I've heard you express support for in the past, because it recognizes that privilege is not a straight-up advantage necessarily. A poor white man can have both societal advantages and disadvantages that have nothing to do with his individual merits.
Of course I see you as an individual, but I also see your views as those of the last gasps of a soon to be extinguished white male centrality. I'm a sociologist at heart, you know that. The things that you do as a part of your cultural indoctrination are not a reflection on you as a kind and big-hearted man - which is something that I've said multiple times. I still see them as problematic, but not because you are personally detestable in some one. And this is the crux of our disagreement - you can only see things on the level of the individual, so my critique of your culturally learned views can only be seen by you as a personal attack on you. And they aren't meant to be. They are a comment on the destructive elements of a patriarchal system.
And, I still don't believe that you have any standing to tell people who are hurting due to life experiences you have never had whether or not they are actually in pain, and what they should do about it if they are. I can't be close to someone who thinks that's OK to do, because it breaks my heart and I have enough of that in my world already without inviting more in.
Take care, my friend. I also wish you well.