I read this book a while back and wasn't surprised that the research shows this is exactly how men are taught to behave, particularly when it comes to closing ranks against harm done to women. Time for this shit to change.
"Jock culture (or what the young men I met were more likely to call “bro culture”) is the dark underbelly of male-dominated enclaves, whether or not they formally involve athletics: all-boys’ schools, fraternity houses, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, the military. Even as they promote bonding, preaching honor and integrity, such groups condition guys to treat anyone who is not “on the team” (a category that may include any woman who is not a blood relative) as the enemy—bros before hos!—justifying hostility or antagonism toward them. Loyalty is unconditional, and masculinity asserted through sharing sexual exploits, misogynist language, and homophobia."
Orenstein, Peggy. Boys & Sex (p. 21). Harper. Kindle Edition.