I think that probably a lot of these women are reacting to an unattractive culture of masculinity rather than to men as people. I've been reading story after story lately of women who are essentially giving up on dating because the culture of it so noxious and entitled. Too few men seem to have basic emotional intelligence or take dating seriously. A lot just want to show up in cargo shorts and flip flops and fuck. It's a new trend for guys to not even shower before a date or to do anything that indicates they made an effort. I would consider that "below average" and not something that I am interested in.
Plenty of average looking, average earning, average intelligence men have partners - but only when they are interested in the women in their lives as more than pussy dispensers who will clean up after them and make their lives better with little effort on their parts. On-line dating tends to put looks front and center but I also hear all the time about the horrible way that guys online treat the women they are hoping to meet, not actually reading their profiles or engaging them as a person they would like to get to know, but instead sending what are clearly canned messages that they've sent to dozens of women, just hoping to get into someone's pants. Tiresome...
Women initiate 70% of divorces, so a lot of these guys who do get into relationships clearly don't know how to maintain them. This doesn't mean men are bad people - it means the way they've been largely been socialized in this culture isn't doing anyone any favors.
Edit: Here’s a link to the ASA study of why women overwhelmingly initiate divorce.
Rosenfeld said his results support the feminist assertion that some women experience heterosexual marriage as oppressive or uncomfortable.
“I think that marriage as an institution has been a little bit slow to catch up with expectations for gender equality,” Rosenfeld said. “Wives still take their husbands’ surnames, and are sometimes pressured to do so. Husbands still expect their wives to do the bulk of the housework and the bulk of the childcare.
Justice Schanfarber writes in Why Women Leave The Men They Love that as a marriage counselor, he sees this all the time.
“Women leave because their man is not present. He’s working, golfing, gaming, watching TV, fishing… the list is long. These aren’t bad men. They’re good men. They’re good fathers. They each support their family. They’re nice, likable, but they take their wife for granted; they’re not present.”