I think these persistent issues with grasping basic elements of consent come out of living in a dominance hieararchy culture, where essentially might makes right. If I am "strong enough" or have enough social clout to get away with something, not only do I feel emboldened to do that, but many other people will look at me with admiration for it because that signals that I am closer to the top of the pecking order." Those closer to the apex of the societal pyramid feel entitled to do a lot of what they want, and others with less clout are expected to accept it stoically and without complaint. For example, a famous person saying, "Do you know who I am?" to a service person just trying to do their minimum wage job. It is out of this dynamic that dating becomes aggressive men trying to get what they can and defensive women trying to ward them off. It's not that simplistic anymore, but that prey mentality comes out of the dominance hierarchy dynamic, I believe.
Christians (like those on the plane) who believe that they are the best people, the most beloved of God, don't feel the need to consider the feelings or the preferences of the people around them because they are high enough up the pecking order to get to "celebrate" how ever they want to. They consider what they want to be the most important thing. If we had a more egalitarian and less socially stratified culture, I believe more people would consider the feelings and preferences of the other people around them before simply acting on their own desires.