I was responding to the substance of your story and specific things that you had said. I wasn't hijacking it or telling you what you should write about. As you just read in this OP, I don't like every comment I get. A lot of them aren't even particularly civil, but that isn't the issue I'm talking about in this OP. Just as I do, you have every right to decide what you want to do with the comments you get - ignore them, respond to them, or block the commenter.
As you may also recall, I was so dismayed with some of the things that you persist on saying that I decided to no longer be your friend, after many years of genial personal messages. The fact that you continue to read my stories in the face of that is 100% your choice.
I stand by my position that you have no standing to tell Black people how to feel or whether or not they have been harmed and that some of your beliefs are extremely troubling. I'm a straight shooter. It's who you've always known me to be. Despite being so disappointed and dismayed that I no longer wanted to be your friend, I continue to engaged with you as openly and cordially as possible when you leave comments, and I will continue to do so.