I write a lot about the social system of patriarchy, which goes far beyond male/female power dynamics. At it's essence, it is a dominance hierarchy, where might makes right, and only one person can "win" in any given interpersonal interaction. They "win" in part by making sure that the other person "loses." This manifests as constant comparison to others insofar as who has the nicer car, who has the cooler shoes, better job, etc. It also drives the rules of the "Man Box" where men must always be in control, showing no difficult emotions but anger, etc., etc.
Until such time as we successfully confront and dismantle this dominance hierarchy based social system, there can be no real societal investment in human development. It's vulnerable to engage in that sort of work, to look at all the ways that you aren't perfect and could do better, to admit that sometimes your wounding runs the show -but all of those things are counter to the rules of not only the "Man Box" but to the society in general.