If a bully had been beating the shit out of you every day since you were a young child, but it was because the guy came from a terrible family, where his father bullied him, and he didn't get enough to eat, and he was dyslexic or whatever - you might be able to muster some sympathy for that guy, but only after he stopped beating you up every day.
That's the way it is for women. Stop killing us, beating us, raping us, discriminating against us, feeling entitled to our bodies, dismissing our intelligence, and acting like we owe you shit and then maybe we'd have a little more bandwidth to devote to your problems - most of which are actually caused by the same dominance hierarchy system that most men desperately cling to. The CDC believes that violence against women is a national epidemic and I could spend the next 3 pages quoting to you other statistics, but I shouldn't have to - men should know and understand this stuff about women's pervasive experience in this culture, but they mostly don't, and what's worse, a lot of them don't care.
We get that men have problems too - it's not that we don't care about that because nearly all of us have men that we love - but mostly we're just trying to survive a lot of shit caused primarily by you guys. How about you stop asking women to put themselves last (as usual) in order to take care of you?
A patriarchal dominance hierarchy system causes nearly all of our problems, and yet most men cling to that, and lately are doubling down on that. Start helping us take that on, and then we'll talk about broad-spectrum empathy.
There are wounded women out there, there are ones who are manipulative or who don't know how to act right - but those are individuals, as I said before, it's not part of an intrinsic societal dynamic the way the harm that is done to women every day is because it comes out of destructive norms of masculinity in our culture. Until men accept that and join us in fixing it, they're likely to be shown the hand to talk to.