If you don't agree that equality is a basic human right, you really aren't a progressive. Much as you might like to believe it, most people aren't actually individuals, at the helm of their own lives. Cognitive science tells us that only about 2% of thought is conscious. The rest is cultural indoctrination, childhood programming, media, current social norms, etc., etc. Most people are run by this stuff likes puppets because they haven't done the work to become more self-aware - and even then, it's mostly our subconscious that is at the helm. And, we are all run by the social system of patriarchy - even women. Pretending that isn't so is just silly.
Tell me again how this is supposed to work - women have to behave like men in order to be seen as competent, but then they aren't feminine enough.... again, etc., etc., with a huge panoply of ways that women are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
“Jamieson delves into the hypocritic standards of behaviour women have to deal with at every stage. The womb/brain bind that states that women cannot be good mothers and competent professionals simultaneously; the silence/shame directive that attacks and demeans women who speak out while ignoring the women who don’t. The sameness/difference attitude that considers women subordinate to men when they conform and unnatural if they don’t.”